Application of Ultrasonic waves SONAR is a device which stands for sound navigation and ranging. It is based on the principle of echo sounding. In this acoustical technique highfrequency ultrasonic wave are used. When ultrasonic waves are transmitted through water , gets reflected by the object under water. The change in frequency of the echo signals due to the Doppler effect helps us to determine the velocity , distance and the direction of object. In the absence of an obstacle the ultrasonic waves do not get reflected to the receiving transducer. But in the presence of an obstacle the ultrasonic waves get reflected and are picked up by the receiving transducer. Knowing the velocity of ultrasound and the elapsed time, the distance of the object can be determined. Using SONAR, the distance and direction of submarines, depth of sea, depth of rocks in the sea, the shoul of fish in the sea, etc., can be determined. 1. Determinati of Depth of Sea The ult...